Thank you for wandering over to explore my blog. I’m Megan or Meg to the people who know me best. And my last name is Goelz… it rhymes with bells! I’m married to my best friend, Kevin, who I met as freshmen in college at the University of Georgia. Yes, we are die-hard, never miss a football-Saturday, bleed-red-and-black UGA fans. We got married a few years after college and didn’t wait long before we added two handsome little boys to our crew, Colton and Parker. We also have a baby girl who is an adorable doxiepoo (miniature dachshund/poodle mix) named Piper. We lived in Savannah, Georgia and then Birmingham, Alabama before we finally decided that we would plant our roots back in our hometown, which is just south of Atlanta.
So, what am I doing with a blog? All the things.
I began my career as a Kindergarten teacher but became a full-time stay at home Mom after our first son was born. My original major in college was Graphic Design and I’ve never stopped dabbling in it. I have a real knack for decorating my home and designing spaces. Having babies made me realize I can’t ever take enough photos or find enough cute kid’s clothes. I get really excited when I get to plan – party planning, vacation planning, etc. And speaking of vacation planning, I love to travel to the prettiest places. So, what I’m doing here is creating my own little space where I can share the many things that I’m passionate about. I’m a firm believer in celebrating everything, big or small, and I hope to do just that here!